All-in-One Letter Writing Kit

Montclair Mail centralizes the various components of the letter writing process to make the art of writing simple and accessible.

Our Popular Packages

The Port

$ 180.00

  • The Port includes an oak Montclair Mail box with 1 year of monthly refills.

  • Each refill includes 8 classic white cards and envelopes and 16 different vintage stamps. This package provides 96 cards and envelopes as well as 192 vintage stamps over the course of the 12 month subscription.

The Cambridge

$ 600.00

  • The Cambridge includes an oak Montclair Mail box with 1 year of monthly refills.

  • Each refill includes 8 Smythson cards and envelopes and 16 different vintage stamps. This package provides 96 cards and envelopes as well as 192 vintage stamps over the course of the 12 month subscription.

Bond Street

$ 2400.00

  • Bond Street includes an oak Montclair Mail box with 1 year of monthly refills.

  • Each refill includes 8 custom pieces of Kings Correspondence stationary from England’s Smythson and 16 different vintage stamps. This package provides 96 cards and envelopes as well as 192 vintage stamps over the course of the 12 month subscription.

Montclair Mail

Roy and Nelson Bellows are brothers aiming to revitalize the art of writing letters with Montclair Mail.

Letter writing is fading out of our society as we shift to prioritizing efficiency over meaning. However, we know there is nothing more intimate than peeling open a message from a loved one, with loops and unique styles that convey emotion that no text message could. We were inspired to reverse this trend when we read our grandmother’s letters and realized the art that is a well-crafted letter.